
  • Serviceplus is a free liability entity, it shall not be held responsible for any debt for any client whatsoever.
  • Users are expected to abide by the regulations of proper website access.
  • No misbehavior, site sabotage will be tolerated, and those will be subject to legal pursuit.
  • The prices shown are final.
  • Users and clients can contact Serviceplus management to issue an additional discount if and only if there is a bulk order of items.
  • Prices are subject to change without any prior notice, and at any given time of any day.
  • Serviceplus will be committed to the price calculated at checkout, even if the exchange rates vary (up or down).
  • Users and clients would still be able to cancel any submitted order. However, once the order is out for delivery, minimum delivery charges will be applied and collected from the client even if the order was canceled.